Thursday, February 11, 2010

Being Bodacious: Chapter 2

This week, Janey challenged each of her Being Bodacious girls to pick a theme song for herself.  She says:
"A theme song should serve a couple of purposes, the way I see it. First, it should be a song YOU love. Not like, not tolerate, not think is just so-so. LOVE. Second, it should be a song whose lyrics – and even the melody – should represent some part, some essence of you. A song that makes you feel good. Gives you confidence. Lifts your spirits. Highlights your bodaciousness."

It's funny that Janey should choose music for this week.  Andy and I have decided that I'm at a stage in my life, where I just need a new iPod.  And of course, I want the Nano. It speaks to me.  I have 2 shuffles (and I LOOOOOVE them), but I need to see titles and make proper playlists and have my ENTIRE collection on one device.  So for 2 weeks I've been going through cds, getting ALL information about my music and getting my iTunes in order.  I'm missing A LOT of stuff.  But from each of those CDs, I'm reminded of other CDs.  I found one with a Carolyn Dawn Johnson song on it.  That reminded me of "Complicated" and "I Don't Want You To Go" and tons of others that were, for a time at least, theme songs of my younger years.  "Complicated" reminded me of a guy friend I had it bad for.  I used to watch music videos while I cooked with my babysitting kids and belt out the songs... They were my anthem.

As much as I loved those songs, and still love them now, they aren't me anymore.  I have my husband and I adore him even when I want to kill him.  (It's a good thing he makes me laugh!)  I don't pine silently for a friend and I don't worry about others seeing that I *gasp* LIKE this boy.  Those songs, are the soundtrack of my past. 

Then there's "The Good Stuff" by Kenny Chesney.  This is what I tell people when they ask my favorite song.  It is my favorite, so much so that I put it on my netbook.  It was also my "go to" song for this challenge.  But as much as I love this song, it's not about me.  It's about what I want to be but not what I am now.  I want those lyrics to be what Andy thinks of me someday when he scatters my ashes in Yellowstone.

Some of the lyrics fit my life now, they're the ones on my computer.  It's the part about meeting your love and getting married and taking care of each other.  That's the song of my life.

But if you want the song that I love, the song that lifts me up, the song that reminds me who I am, I'd have to say "God Doesn't Make Mistakes" by Carolyn Dawn Johnson. (I'm not a huge fan of embedding videos on my blog--they take so long to load-- so those are just linked. I hope you enjoy them.) The Lyrics are:

A couple inches taller
Another size smaller
A little curl in my hair
Used to wish I was older
Now I wish I was younger
Back when I didn't have a care
Most of the time I am happy with what God gave me
Once in a while I wish that some miracle would change me

I'm ok with the way God made me
I have my days but doesn't everybody
It's not always easy for me to believe in myself
But I gotta remember
I'm always gonna be a better me than anyone else
And God doesn't make mistakes

Mama says I'm special
Calls me her little angel
Yeah, I could almost do no wrong
But I trip and stumble
Guess that's what keeps you humble
But I pick myself up and I carry on
I'll never be a flawless model of perfection
Nobody's perfect and I admit I'm no exception

I'm ok with the way God made me
I have my days but doesn't everybody
It's not always easy for me to believe in myself
But I gotta remember
I'm always gonna be a better me than anyone else
And God doesn't make mistakes

I'm thankful for the rainy days
They only make the sunshine sweeter

I'm ok with the way God made me
I have my days but doesn't everybody
It's not always easy for me to believe in myself
But I gotta remember
I'm always gonna be a better me than anyone else
And God doesn't make mistakes

And some days--ok, a lot of days-- I need that reminder, that I'm not perfect,  but I'm me, and I'm pretty damn awesome.

1 comment:

Cylithria Dubois said...

Absolutely beautiful song Misty. WOW You truly are bodacious lady!!!